Well, its been a while since I last posted, but I'm back!! I am loving Kindergarten. We are all things winter in my room!! I love teaching winter units, and fall units, and spring units, well I like them all pretty much! I am a thematic unit teaching kind of gal! Anyway, I wanted to hop on for a second and tell you about my winter sensory bin. I have a sandbox, that I don't use for sand....SAY WHAT?!? Yes, I love sand sensory bins, but I have found some less messy alternatives than sand. This sensory table has the following items: plastic crystal beads( Hobby Lobby), white and blue pom poms( Hobby Lobby), felt letters (Target Dollar Spot), mini erasers(Target Dollar Spot), and felt snow( I cut it up). I also have some letter sound mitten puzzles in there as well. There are so many ways to do a sensory bin. Our Kindergarten team has incorporated DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practice) into our classrooms. There are so many kiddos that need the exposure of a sensory bins.

My sand table is like this one:
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I also wanted to show you what else I am currently using in my classroom. It's my Snowy Friends Winter pack. I have put several different math and literacy activities in it.
Have a Fabulous weekend!
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